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NexGard kills fleas and ticks fast, all month long, and it's FDA-approved to prevent the infections that cause Lyme disease by killing black-legged ticks.


SKU: 217537123517253
PriceFrom $80.34
  • NexGard is labeled to kill adult fleas and is indicated for the treatment and prevention of flea infestations, and the treatment and control of black-legged tick, American dog tick, Lone star tick, and brown dog tick infestations in dogs and puppies 8 weeks of age and older, weighing 4 pounds of body weight or greater, for one month. It is also indicated for the prevention of Borrelia burgdorferi infections as a direct result of killing Ixodes scapularis vector ticks (black-legged ticks).

    If you have questions about NexGard, or if you are not satisfied with NexGard, please call our experts on the Veterinary Technical Solutions (VeTS) team at 888-637-4251.

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